Monday, April 13, 2009

Long Time

Wow it have been a very long time since I have posted anything as you can see. I just want to put something in so you guys know that I am still alive LOL. I have been home the last week sick and I will be home all this week. They are doing a few more tests to find out what it was but I am taking a bunch of meds and inhalers to get rid of it and so I can breathe ok. But I am not worried about myself I am worried about Heather she is going in to have surgery on her ear on Thursday and her healing time will be about 3months and I am praying that everything will go as planned, so if I can get some prayer for her to heal and that she will not have to go back in for another operation if the surgery is not a 100% success. Heather means everything to me and I don’t want her going through a lot of pain and stuff. I thank God every day for blessing me with my wife Heather and she has shown me a heck of a lot since we have been married and she had always believed in me and I am proud to be her husband..


HEATHER said...

thank you honey I hope you start feeling much better soon. I also hope the Dr. finds out whats wrong with you and fixes you all up and makes you better!!!!
Your Wife :)